Sumatox Eat

Sumatox Eat is a nutrition program specialized for women. Forget starvation and calorie restrictions. Eating more nutritional foods focused on metabolic nutrition based on macronutrient ratio will improve your overall health and help you achieve the desired results. Sumatox Eat’s Nutrition Program will teach you in a fun way what and when to eat, guide you on your weight loss journey to regulate your hormone levels, control your craving and mood swings, and teach you what to eat to burn fat.

The Sumatox Fitness Program is unique and was built by Hagit Cohen, Post-Master’s Certificate in Nutrition, and decades of experience helping clients lose weight in a healthy way.

Being overweight is a symptom something isn’t functioning properly inside your body. You need to become healthy to lose weight. Getting healthy and losing weight is not going to be achieved in a short time frame. It is a long term lifestyle change. 

Hagit cohen is a superfoods expert that likes to engage superfoods in her menu and give the body the opportunity to heal itself by itself, based on many years of research and knowledge she invented Sumatox drink, potent superfoods powder and shakes that will help your body to detox and rebuild on a cellular level.

Sumatox, is a natural, quality superfood mix, without any preservative or filler, dry and powder to your mix, you will get all your daily vitamins and minerals that your body needs. It is packed with antioxidants, that help your body fight free radicals and prevent so many chronic diseases, balance your hormones and help with menopause symptoms.

Sumatox Health Benefits Include:
* Increase your metabolism 
* Help with weight loss
* Support your immune system 
* Improve skin, hair, nails
* Improve sleep 
* Increase your libido and energy
* Stop cravings
* Help with daily stress 
* Help with digestion 
* Feed your cells on a cellular level 

Sumatox Superfood

Superfoods are superheroes, Once you start adding them to your daily intake you will never stop, it affects everyone in a different way based on their toxicity level and their way of life.superfoods are the only foods that packed with antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and much more.

Sumatox Superfoods are the highest quality in the world, direct from sustainable farms to your kitchen.

Superfoods are usually exotic and are not commonly found in your conventional grocery store. Luckily, Sumatox has over 30 superfoods that can be shipped right to your door!

You can get more information at

Sumatox Fitness Members, to purchase and pick up in class, CLICK HERE!

To purchase and have shipped to you, CLICK HERE!