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Download the MindBody App to pay or pay at the studio with a 3-month check. NO CASH. NO VENMO.

Sumatox Fitness Classes are held at

13221 Burbank Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91401

Group training is a great way to supplement your individual workout regimen


Boot Camp

Our boot camp classes will help you get stronger, tone your muscles, and help you reach your weight loss goals. This class is filled with high-intensity, calorie-burning, low-impact exercises. This class allows you to get in the cardio without skipping the strength training that helps you maintain lean muscle mass using training techniques such as “Density Sets” an ass-kicking, fat-burning sweat session! And like all of our classes, we try to bring components of our signature personal training model into the group setting. It’s a great way to start your day!

Open Gym

Unstructured activity time where the GYM is available for students.

Kickboxing Cardio

Kickboxing Cardio is a fun class that contains cardio and muscle conditioning with a combination of cardio boxing and kickboxing moves. It is truly great for a total body workout. Boxing is an effective way to achieve your fitness goals.


Strength training and toning classes build your muscles and help you achieve your weight loss goals, maintain bone density, and improve balance. Classes that challenge every muscle and a group setting that keeps you challenging the person beside you. Motivating coaches keep you pushing toward that extra rep, set, and crunch for total-body results.
Push your mental and physical limits to discover your inner strength with TRX bands and free weights. Our instructors will keep you motivated throughout each session as the media wall guides you through a variety of movements and weights.

Mat Pilates

Exercises in mat pilates involve basic pilates equipment such as a pilates ring, resistance band, or weighted balls.


Zumba is a fun workout that combines high energy, Latin-flavored music with unique moves and combinations. Join our Zumba party!

Step Cardio

Highly energetic and basic in choreography. This class can improve your cardiovascular endurance and give you calorie-burning intensity. You crave combining the fun of traditional high-low step movements with the excitement of athletic conditioning skills.

Step Mix

Low step movement with strength training.

Yoga /Stretching

We do it thousands of times a day but rarely think about it. It affects our stress levels, hormonal balance, heart rate, immune system and many other key autonomic body functions. “It” is your breath.


Channel your focus to build power, resilience, and speed on heavy bags and aqua bags. Maintain the energy as you lean into the rhythm of each session guided by custom-designed boxing videos displayed on our 9-screen media wall. Those videos will guide you through each move, when to switch it up, and when to rest.

Kick It

Mix up your routine with flexibility and strength-building moves in kickboxing classes. You’ll enjoy high-intensity drills while burning 300-600 calories.* A cardiovascular workout consisting of jabs, hooks, uppercuts, and kicks designed to get you on your way to a leaner body and a healthier state of mind. No equipment is used and gloves are not required. Most Suitable to participants of medium to high fitness level.

Private Group

Max 6 students. Strength training and toning classes build your muscles and help you achieve your weight loss goals, maintain bone density, and improve balance. Classes that challenge every muscle and a group setting that keeps you challenging the person beside you.

Weight loss Program

SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP – Membership includes this class only.
Take your results to the next level in 2023 by pairing your Sumatox Fitness with the Suma Eat Program. These total-solution packs combine your fitness with nutrition and support so you have everything you need to help you achieve your goals and make this year the best one yet. Suma Eat is a nutrition program and workout program specialized for women. Eating more nutritional foods focused on metabolic nutrition based on the macronutrient ratio will improve your overall health and help you achieve the desired results. Sumatox Eat Nutrition Program will teach you in a fun way what and when to eat, guide you on your weight loss journey to regulate your hormone levels, control your cravings and mood swings, and teach you what to eat to burn fat.


SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP for those 13-19 years old. Under 18 will need a parent’s signed waiver. Membership only includes this class.
Featuring the freshest moves and the latest music, these classes get young people fit – fast. Each 60-minute class combines cutting-edge moves from martial arts, sports conditioning, dance, and yoga. Participants leave feeling fitter, more mentally energized, and amped to take on the world.


SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP for those 55 and older. Membership only includes this class.
Gold Fitness is for the active aging group exercise classes are designed to help older adults maintain their cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility. Whether you’re a veteran gym member or a newcomer, we welcome you to come and enjoy the benefits of working out in a group setting. Sign up today!

Sign Up or Login NOW!

Download the MindBody App to pay or pay at the studio with a 3-month check. NO CASH. NO VENMO.

If you would like a protein-packed, nutrient-filled, post-workout shake, don’t forget to purchase a punch card with your membership!